Culture, Science, Engineering, Research, Technology, and Medicine related topics
Type in MS Word in Tamil and save it in the form of .docx
- The information should be 100% percent authentic.
- Where the information was obtained and its link (URL) must be attached.
- The appropriate images should be attached wherever necessary.
- If the reading quality of the content you write is subpar, it may not be approved.
- The text should be at least 700 to 1000 words long and as long as you like, with appropriate subheadings if necessary.
- After confirming that the content and title are relevant to our website’s niche, your post will be accepted.
- If the images are not your own, they should have source or attribution information provided.
- If your shared content needs to be adjusted or modified, our content review team will make the necessary modifications to improve both the quality of your work and our website.
Sender (You):
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The information below should also be attached.
Facebook URL: (Your Facebook link) *
Instagram URL: (Your Instagram link)
LinkedIn URL: (Your LinkedIn link)
About Yourself: (About you) *
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Please Note: All the informations are required to create a new Author Profile for you
All the above information should be sent to email.
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